Three stooges

I have a great chances to meet Saudara(uncle) Budin and Uncle J few days ago. Saudara Budin picked me up at LRT station Bandar Tun Razak. He arrived early and I saw him standing at the station while talking on his mobile. I saw his picture before but mind you he is different. At first I'm pretty sure that was him but when I passed by there was no reaction from him as if he didn't expecting to meet someone. I walked straight to the gold merc. He described his car and the plat number instead of describing himself..ahaks. Maybe his car is much easier to describe as compared to complicated himself ekekeke (just kidding aaa) from the other end I sms him. I can see his action replying my sms. He text me " mana u angkat tangan"... I would love to angkat kaki ekekekeke... at last I end the hide and seek game and told him that I'm standing at the other end through sms. We have a great chit chat at the Starbuck Cheras Selatan and Uncle J joined us a bit late due to his other commitment. One of the hot issue that we have a good laugh was about my age. Saudara Budin revealed when he first saw me he thought that I'm "budak sekolah" ahaks....I take it as a compliment......uhuhuhu

I'm confortable with both of the otai ( old timer - thanks Kelana for sharing this term) eventhough there is a big age gap. There are very friendly and knowledgeable as well.