Perth City Centre, Western Australia
Alhamdulilah tomorrow we will be tuned to the beginning of new Islamic Calender. We will be in the new year, 1430 hijra. If you asked me about my new resolution, it would be very general from year to year. I'm always try to get hold on what being recommended by our Prophet Muhammad;
young before old
rich before poor
healthy before sick
"free time" before busy
life before death...
Im preparing myself for those five forgotten fundamental of life. Maybe out of those five, I had gone through a hell lot of turbulance in the quality of my health. Those experienced really made me appreciate what a good healthy life is, how you can really made a good deed when you are healthy, how you can become a better person when you are healthy, how you can treat your parents well when your are healty..... Therefore this is the best time (when we still young and healthy) for us to make a hijra, hijra from bad to good, from good to better, from better to a great man.
This remind me of my blogger friend, and every time I think about him...I will cry deeply in my heart. He had been tested with terminal illness and by now he lives each day. My doa for him may this new year Allah will grant him Shifa and may Allah cure him leaving no sickness behind inshallah.
Perth, Western Australia
Therefore, I would like to wish everybody Salam Maal Hijrah. May this new year brings us happiness and may Allah shower his continuous blessing on us.

Thanks riel for the card