Happy Eid Mubarak
Salam to all my friends. I hope it is not too late to wish everyone happy eid mubarak, Maaf Zahir Batin! I got back to Perth for almost two weeks after a short trip home to celebrate eid with family. Last year I celebrated my Ramadhan and Eid in Perth so this time around, I went home.
The last week of Ramadhan, I already in my hometown and paint the town red..ehehe. My dad also waiting for me to come back to visit the needy people. It is the annual event during the month of Ramadhan to give some duit raya and goodies. Since I was not around last year, I missed a lot of the updates. We drove to this kampung and I can see a lot of changes. The houses that I used to visit no longer there but had been replaced by the new houses, Alhamdulilah. I asked my dad, and he said its a new government project to help the needy.

And the sad things, I found out many of the old people passed away already. I told my dad, its only last year I didn't join him to visit them, but so many people are no longer with us. But for the second thought, it is good for them (do I sound mean? ). Some of them really suffer, and I remember this one old man, he lived alone, his house was really in bad condition, and he was not well too at that time. Al Fatihah to him and others too.
The last week of Ramadhan, I already in my hometown and paint the town red..ehehe. My dad also waiting for me to come back to visit the needy people. It is the annual event during the month of Ramadhan to give some duit raya and goodies. Since I was not around last year, I missed a lot of the updates. We drove to this kampung and I can see a lot of changes. The houses that I used to visit no longer there but had been replaced by the new houses, Alhamdulilah. I asked my dad, and he said its a new government project to help the needy.
And the sad things, I found out many of the old people passed away already. I told my dad, its only last year I didn't join him to visit them, but so many people are no longer with us. But for the second thought, it is good for them (do I sound mean? ). Some of them really suffer, and I remember this one old man, he lived alone, his house was really in bad condition, and he was not well too at that time. Al Fatihah to him and others too.
This is another different story about 3 siblings. The history started when their mum suffered from post natal blues (meroyan), and out of her six children, 3 are having mental illness. These three sibling live by their own at the company house where their dad use to work for many years as labour. But their parents passed away many years ago and now they lived by themselves. I dont even know where will they live if the company no longer allow them to stay there. Obviously they will have no place to go.

This old lady also having mental illness. She lived with her daughter and 3 grandchildren. Her daughter is a divorcee, left by her husband with 3 kids to be fed and now is working at the factory cleaning the bottle for recycling. Her small kids stay at home looking for her unwell mother.
This is another old lady, never been married and live by her own at her golden age. She's no longer has the energy to earn for living.

This is only a few interesting story of the unfortunate people. So we must be grateful of what we have and dont forget the needy. Even a small amount of money and goodies we give to them, it will make a different, at least will make them smile.