Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday Nite Fever
Yesterday the weather was cold and that’s reminding me of the coming winter. The temperature might be around 9 degree Celsius and we were in the city. We went to Royal Perth Hospital to visit a Malaysian friend. Yea poor him, and I know what it’s like being sick in a foreign country, and he has my full sympathies. Alhamdulilah he’s recuperating. Actually I don’t know him personally but I know about them from other Malaysian friends. It’s just a matter of time and I don’t have the opportunity to meet him and his family earlier. But believe it or not he’s one of my blog silent reader! Ahaksss…. What a small world. He read my blog occasionally just to know about life in Perth before they arrived here.
After the visit, my brother in law, my sis and I decided to walk to the city centre. It’s not far from the hospital. We just want to enjoy the Saturday night fever..ahaks. Well of course there is no suitable place for us (mostly club and bars operated at night), so we end up to one of the Malaysian restaurant.

Perth City Centre, Western Australia

Sunday, April 13, 2008

When I'm back on my feet again
Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia
I haven't written much lately. I always think I'll have more time then, but I really don't. So many things have happened which keep me out of perspective. But things getting better and I'm back on my feet again...err its remind me of my favourite singer, Micheal Boltan - When I'm back on my feet again...ahaks!
By the way have you all buy the new novel by Norzailina Nordin. You should get one because it featuring name of the few bloggers. Im still waiting for the novel to reach me here down under.
Here are the 8 fact about me - tagged by Kelat
Like shooting photos
Love reading
Happy cooking
Enjoy travelling
High emphaty
(when not in the best mood will reluctant to talk)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mount Sinabung
Gundailing Hill, Brastagi, North Sumatra

We went to Brastagi, a tourist town which is located in the Karo Highland. Its remind me of Cameron Highland and the types of agro products are similar which is well suited the low temperature. In Brastagi, we can see the Mount Sinabung which is about 2417 m above the sea level. This dormant volcano can clearly be seen from Gundailing Hill. You can even catch the smell of sulphur in the wind.