Sunday, November 02, 2008

Hey...I'm the boss ok Burshwood, Western Australia

Salam to all my friends. I really want to write about this matter for quite sometimes…bragging. When we talk about bragging…the scope is very wide and you can see different kind and ways of bragging…why??? Because it involve human and human are very colourful in term of personality. I think bragging is a part of us but the degree of bragging makes it different between others. The same concept with ego and when it is too much, people will feel irritated.

Me myself tend to do it as well…. unintentionally…When I talk to much, sometimes it just spit out or I might choose the wrong words or I might acting as if I’m so good…that’s why sometimes we need to review back what we had done. Little that I want to hurt my friends, other people etc but sometimes things happen.

Back to the issue, I used to experience how sad I’m when people treat me like I’m nobody. Even my own relative and because they are somebody… title-bearing people, rich, high status quo and bla bla bla…they can brags so much that some of their comments were on the fringe of being irrational and unbelievable. As well as bragging some of them also puts other family members down as if they are the only clever, rich people on the planet earth.

Even some of the bosses are so bossy…they don’t be bothered to greet their staff or coolie ‘good morning’ or even smile…. Their concept is..I’m the boss and the staffs should greet me…not the other way round. The same thing at the university….my friend who are doing his Phd keep on complaining how boastful his supervisor…. as if she is the cleverest person on the entire if she is the only person with prof or associate prof. What make it worst..some of them are very proud of failing some students….If in other country supervisor can treat their Phd student as a friend..why not in Malaysia. If the boss in the other country can treat their employee with dignity, why not us… Hey come on la…for God sake…its all from ALLAH.

I pray to ALLAH that I wont be like that and I want to become a humble man. If we don’t want to be treated badly, so do the other people. Put ourself in their shoes..nuture our heart to be sympathetic. Having a sympathetic heart will make us aware of the human nature, their strength and weakness made by Allah S.W.T. This will prevent us from becoming proud and arrogant. Proud and arrogant people are damn by Allah S.W.T.


kuIna said...

manusia nie rambut sama itam tp hati lain2.
moga anda dijauhi sifat2 begitu!

en_me said...

ammvoiii hi abang ittewww pong selalu tutup pakey topeng kalo tunjuk gambar muka kat blog.. kannns

Anonymous said...

that's waht we call human being...fitrah sudah begitu...minta dijauhkan..amin

Kak Elle said...

we are what we are:)

bila adik dah successful dan dah dpt PhD jgn lupa daratan tau?

title doesn't mean a thing in life and that doesn't guarantee happiness.

waliz said...

every human is unique...when u start thinking like that u wont feel so sakit hati anymore...let them be what they want to be but u know u r not one of them arsaili...take care!

Anonymous said...

Its all depend on what kind of management the particular person using, normally western approach differs from Asian..while both sides claiming their approach better, one's ego at the same time contributing to the aggressive authoritarian behavior. But what I've experienced in Malaysia, three rules applied: the boss is always right, the boss always right and the boss is always right....see what happen to our country now...halamak panjang pulak cerita....extract from top ten mistakes leaders make by Hans Finzel

yazrie said...

Hahahah..Sometimes, we need to brag; in an appropriate situation..Heheheh..But don't over bragging...

CAHAYA said...

It's not about where we are. It's about how we treat others the way they should be treated. Some people might think (this always happen in Malaysia), title and also whatever they got in front of their names gave them higher authority and at least use it to look down on people.

p/s: Manusia semua sama di sisi ALLAH SWT. Tiada yang kekal, semuanya pinjaman.

Wanpetunjuk said...

Bro...i feel like reading 'buku ceramah' jeak...but this entry good for everyone...
Moga2 semuanya sedar betapa kita perlu berpijak di bumi nyata....

umi_e said...

Semoga apa yang kita lihat dan alami akan menjadikan kita lebih mengenal erti ketaqwaan :)

* semoga kita semua terus dilindungi oleh NYA...

Anonymous said...

people who loves to brag with what they have actually having a low self esteem. they need to show and prove to others that they are somebody. they are afraid of being little and can't live without attention. they want others to acknowledge their presence.

in other words, bragging is a form of psychological illness.

Jun said...

yup..manusia namanya..mmg selalu lupe..kan kan? aunty pon..i'm my own boss in my own kitchen with no staff..heheh

Unknown said...

biasalah tuh....

manusia.. some of my proff selamba saja cakap.. takde dlm sejarah student dia dpt C, while some proudly said. takde dlm sejarah student dia dapat A..

Dua situasi berbeza dr institusi yg sama....

Mak Su said...

boss kena byk menghadiri kursus, how to be a humble boss, ataupun, how to be a likeable boss, ataupun, how to be a boss yang tidak hidung tinggi.



echah_syed said...

teringat precious stori kat auntie..

ramai lect dia yg sgt baik hati dan sentiasa layan dorang mcm anak-anak sendiri walopun dah bergelar prof@doktor..alhamdulilah :)

KAMATO said...

Kadang2 manusia lupa bumi mana yang mereka pijak

izman said...

what a shame! I agree that concept is stupid, even to coolie. If we want a true respect, we must show people a respect as anybody hv their dignities.

13may said...

hmmm....jaga status kot :)

tapi kita nak peduli apa...kita cuma perlu maintain cara kita...

senyum, tegur, angkat tangan etc...

so part kita dah selesai :)

RY said...

tumpang lalu,

sebelum menganggur, antara bos saya paling best adalah branch manager maybank klcc. bg org lain x best. tapi saya rasa dia bagus! pagi2 wish morning to all staff. dia akan laung dari bilik dia je. kalau dia wish, org tu x sahut, mesti dia marah org tu!

saya selalu je: ye ye ye morning bos! <-mcm hampeh je! hihi

Yaya said...

hurmmm gitu la kan, harap kita tak mudah lupa.., bos dulu tak best lansong, tapi bos skrg baik betoi!!he he

cakapaje said...

Salam bro,

29 nov ni, ramai bloggers akan bertemu di the curve, damansara. Kalau ada kat Malaysia time tu, datanglah ye.

zino said...

itu dah jadi adat resam dunia.. bos is always right.. bos perlu di lihat sebagai bos.. mesti tegas sombong berpengetahuan mempunyai kelebihan lebih bijak lebih pandai dan bla bla bla...

tapi tak ada salahnya kita berbaik dengan orang di keliling kita.. terutama orang2 di bawah sana.. tak akan hilang sedikit pun ke bosan kita tu.. hehe

ok nak minta advice sikit utk angah dan Evi di US sana tu..

faridmw said...

apapon kita bt yang terbaik untuk diri kita..
dan berdoa selalu...
semoga kita dberi petunjuk..

laki cikgu kimia said...

chill la sis.. chill.. *eh betol ke sis

CikguZue said...

kalau bos terlebih eksyennye, memang boleh menimbulkan tension jugak la...tapi kalau bos tidak mempamerkan daya ketokohannye, nanti org bawahan pijak kepala pula, student yg dah dpt PHD pun pandang sebelah mata je....ermm...susah juga ye. Apepun biarlah sederhana...tak terlalu bossy dan tak terlalu dipandang remeh. pandai2la meletakkan diri ditempat yg sesuai.
dan bagi kita pula, jika sbg student. Jadikanlah ia sbg cabaran utk dptkan ilmu. Bukan mudah...

Ku Keng said...

Salam. Reality is that is it. Diversity of behaviours. Alhamdulillah the world still has respect to the right and the righteous.

The next time you are short of Okra, yell for Ahamd Norly. He runs a Malay restaurant there and I am sure he stocks them.

Sya said...

Thanks for visiting my blog... what u said is true. Some ppl think that the are God-given creatures that everybody has to bow to them.

Just hope and pray that Allah will not change us to be one of them.. na'uzubbillah..

zura aini said...

Hidup ni satu pembelajaran, hari-hari kita belajar. lebih baik berdiam daripada banyak berkata-kata. Jika terlalu banyak berkata-kata, kita mungkin tidak sempat berfikir dengan waras. Orang yang selalu rasa dirinya hebat, perlu dihormati adalah orang yang selalu lupa bahawa dia juga hamba. Wallahualam.

mrblind said...

gua tak paham omputeh..sorry bro..hihihhi..

mrblind said...

gua tak paham omputeh..sorry bro..hihihhi..

♥♥♥♥ dilaBanGi ♥♥♥♥ said...

wow Shadow....
susah nak buat benda ni
Good Job!
melalai banyangan ni mampu menceritakan segalanya....

zino said...

trima kasih daun keladi..

Anonymous said...

just chat with a friend baru balik Phd, she was 'complaining' to me that lepas balik buat Phd, she noticed that she's being so critical with things and she was telling me that IT IS NOT Good at all because 'friends' tend to 'run away' from you, and students who have low self esteem can become very down...emmm....renung-renungkan...

Hafiz said...

Ikutlah resmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk.

Lagipun semua ilmu atau kelebihan kita datang daripada Allah. So, takder sebab untuk kita jadi sombong dengan apa yang kita ada. Harapnya kita takkan jadi macam Firaun yang dilaknat oleh Allah.

Masy said...

salam arsaili...

kat mana2 pun macam tu.. dah rasa diri tu bos etc mulalah nk tunjuk lagak. mebi dorang terlupa, satu hari nanti their own children or relatives pun akan btemu dan dilayan sama dgn cara dia melayan org. well.. what goes around comes around kan...

apalah sgt nk blagak kat dunia ni.. sume tu pinjamanNya je..

MZ said...

humble ....
a divine statue of man but yet not easy to achieve.
gud luck bro. :D

Anonymous said...

i also bos maa...hehe

Anonymous said...

Biasa la...kehidupan.

cendawanintim said...

mintak dijauhkan sifat2 keji itu..

Neeza Shahril said...

kalau nama hamba, tetap hamba.. tak payah nak berlagak.. sebab akhirnya ketanah juga kita nanti...

pada yang sombong tu, semoga mereka insaf 1 hari nanti...

Anonymous said...

it's good to realise before we realise it later...

PerantauSepi1306 said...

salam ziarah kembali.. tq sudi lawat blog akak.. hehehehe rerajin singgah la lagi ye...

CT said...

Tin Kosong kan lagi kuat bunyinya bila dipukul...tapi akhirnya kemek jugak kan? Mudah-mudahan Allah lindungi kita dari jadi orang yang sombong...amien!

Mulan said...

bersyukur la sentiasa... boss tu jawatan di dunia saja..

Abang Long said...

Baru selesai baca buku - Ayah Aku Boss.

IamYonna said...

apa la ada pada pangkat semua tu kan?

mmg ramai org2 mcm ni kat malaysia.
berlagak bagus.
mcm diorang besar sangat sedangkan kita ni semua sama ja di sisi Allah..

semoga kita semua dijauhkan la dari jadi sifat2 meninggi diri semua ni

PerantauSepi1306 said...

current approach in education relates to material measurement as success achivement and create tendecy in sifat2 seperti yg disebutkan bro tadi.. a good piece of advice dalam kita melayari kehidupan di dunia ini..

hUmmY said...


manusia kan..