Salam to all my friends... Sorry for late update. I'm busy with personal matter (its a lame excuse, I know..ahaks) and for info, I'm back in Perth. After Sabah trip that day, I went to Kuching to settle few things and managed to see Sarawak Regatta 2008. Actually I'm not into the crowd, in fact I'm not comfortable to be surrounded by so many people. But it seems my passion to take photo is greater than my discomfort to be in the crowd made me go to see the event.
Sarawak Regatta, Kuching Sarawak Malaysia
After Kuching I went to KL before flying to Langkawi. I enjoyed my trip with Lin to the Lagendary island. I was in primary school since my last visit. So what can I say, Langkawi definitely had been transformed. I love the Island Hopping and also the cable car trip.
Langkawi, Malaysia
From Langkawi we went back to Kuching for my younger sister convocation. Congratulations to S on getting her master degree and wish to go back for her Phd Convocation in few year times.
Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia
From Kuching I flew back to KL and then Perth.
p/s abanglong(Novelman) sorry cannot make it to see you. I also cannot get the software. InsyaAllah my next trip ok.