Salam Jumaat...may Allah bless us with HIS mercy and bounty. I just went to Friday prayer and alhamdulilah today there is a huge crowd and as usual some of the congregation participants have to pray outside of the mussola. The mussola is not enough to accommodate all the participants. However, this is a good indicator that there is a lot of Muslim still practising...Alhamdulilah.
But what really strikes me today and made me unhappy...I spot a few participant simply wearing short pants to perform their Jumaah. Is this a new trend? Yea it might not as controversial as what Amina Wadud did last time by leading the prayer and proud to be the first female Imam...but the small thing like this is not healthy at all. I think as a Muslim this is simple knowledge of such a mundane matter of the male aurat. The 'aurat' is between their navel and the KNEE. I'm just wondering even if we need to be fashionable, please dont wear short pant on Friday so that easy for us to perform the jumaah. For God sake its only Friday...maybe the rest of the time we can go home and simple change but not on Friday. As matter of fact the congregational Friday prayer is a must for male muslim. Ok...this is the issue of short pants (at the knee level) and another case where some of them wearing short pants but still cover their knee. We need to be careful. Some of the pants just few inches down the knee and when we perform the solat, the movement especially during the rukuk or sujud, will somehow expose the knee. This is a common sense and as an adult we should be able to think about it. At least if still want to wear it on Friday, bring the sarung.
Mandurah, Western Australia
Maybe I'm sound like Ustaz or Iman but no kidding, as an adult we should show good example to the kids. We dont want them to have an idea that wearing short pants during solat is ok and at the end it become a trend and culture. In fact wearing short pant exposing the aurat is a big sin and what more when we meet Allah. I do wear short but at least 3/4 length so even if I need to perform my solat it wont expose my aurat. I hope this entry will be a good reminder to myself and also my blogger friends.
......and you still a camera shy..
amvoi.... nak mengadap tuhan depa main ringkas2 macam tu? seronotnyer duniya ini.
kalu ngadap principal tentu depa pakai elok-elok ek, siap nektie, siap pakai baju code.
iya ler. depa pandai.
manusia itu macam-macam kan.
kalau nak dating bukan main lagi, tapi mengadap tuhan cuma short pant?
huh manusia itu memang macam-macam!
Salam arsaili, it shows that the 'kiamat' is nearer. All which we had never thought before had been happening nowdays. Semoga Allah akan melindungi kita dari 'kemurkaan'Nya dan akan sentiasa merahmati kita...InsyaAllah.
a man & camera. who is that guy?
Salam siang arsaili.
even my son knows what to wear for prayers...huhuhu
thanx for visiting my blog...
re: best dapat coklat...tak best sebab tak tahu siapa yang beri...tak boleh nak ucap terima kasih...
i don't celebrate valentines...but i wish a happy valentines anyway...:-)
salam bro...
apsl snap gmbr kamera jerr
salam juga bro
Sedihnya dengar cerita macam niii...tapi apa nak buat kalau itu memang realiti, terpaksa telan juga:(
Agaknya yang buat macam tuu terlalu kurang pengetahuan ugama mereka...mudah-mudahan mereka akan mendapat petujuk dan hidayah dari Allah!
wow tak tutup aurat tu:)
camera shy adik akak sorang ni...nanti kalau jumpa akak kat perth guna topeng ke?
aik!! potong kapara kaa?? heheh..
somehow, lately banyak pulak mazhab baru keluar.. macam kat sini pun, ramai aje yang solat (wanita) tak tutup kaki.
kalau solat jemaah (lelaki) pakai short pants, mahu agaknya kena bedal dengan muttawa.. dia akan kata "haram!! haram!!"
pose mmg same mcm en me itteww...
harus kepala dipenggal tanpa rela...
nk smyg mmg kene proper outfit..kalau sambil lew, tuhan pun sambil lewa je nk bagi pahale...huhu
Entahlah, ya....
Kalau nak ikutkan lelaki ni mudah je pakaiannya......tak seperti perempuan.
Mungkin dia tak sedar, betapa pentingnya aurat tu, terutama ketika menghadap Allah. Kenalah cuba tegur. Kalau tengok je, kita pun dapat dosanya. Jika rasa tak selesa nak tegur sendiri, mungkin kena beritahu imam kat masjid tu, biar dia tegur atau beri sedikit panduan berpakaian masa berkhutbah.....insyaallah...tentu pak imam tu suka je....
agaknya pasal dia belajar aurat tu antara pusat sampai lutut je...
Salam Jumaat buat sdr Arsaili.
Semoga sukses .
Salam arsaili,
I'm totally agree with you. Sometimes the movement while/during solat itself will somehow expose the aurat. Solat boleh jadi tak sah. Kalau berjemaah, lagi besar masalahnya. :)
They still can be fashionable if they wearing proper attire to masjid. It doesn't necessarily includes a short pants. :) 3/4 will do too. :)
Few years back, I would be very surprised and pissed off as well if I see our Muslim brothers to wear those sleazy outfit when performing the prayer. But now, nothing surprised me anymore. Because they think they are clever enough, they just use their logic mind to simplify everything.
Hey...probably I should send you some Terengganu batik/pelikat and you can 'sedekah' to our brothers?
betul tu...bukan hanya org pompuan je kena jaga aurat. org lelaki pun...esp when they're performing solah...ntah2 ape la.
perggh sejak bilerr gambo ko potong kepala paras hidung beb.. setahu me ko blurry your face jakkks.. ehehe
btoi3.... tem pi jmp bos pandailak pakai encem2.. hishhhhhh
bila pakai cenggitu..bukan je solat diorg terjejas..jemaah len pun boleh terjejas sbb dalam atie duk menggerutu nape nak pakai cenggitu..bukan sume le... :D
berat jugak cerita ni ... sama2 la kita mendoakan.. supaya
"pemimpin2 islam besatu hati"
insyaallah benda begini dpt dielakkan wallahuaklam,
Kekdg mmg lelaki Muslim ambil ringan sangat bab aurat ni.. as if hukum menutup aurat ni jatuh pd pompuan je..
Tingin nak tengok wajah tuan umah ni..
salam bro.. ermm mcm2 ek.. tu ler jadinya kalau main lebih kurang jer tentang ibadah..
wah tu bro ker tu.. mcm dah naik jer badan tu,, he he
i'm not good in this field and i'm not religious...
is there any mazhab related to this matter? you know something like the way you pray isn't the same from one to another as can be seen in macca?
Wahai Saudaraku Arsaili.
Kita melihat kepada situasi dan keadaan sesuatu tempat. Andainya ada muslim yang jahil atau kurang pemahaman, maka tugas kita atau pihak berkenaan untuk memberikan nasihat atau teguran. Ingatlah bagaimana HIKMAH nya Nabi sewaktu berdakwah kepada badwi yang jahil, kerana kencing dalam masjid.
pakai pelikat senang....
ish...ish...ish..tak berkenan langsung. Mazhab mana tu?
kat sini pun macam tu jugak kadang2. budak2 dari middle east etc yg study kat curtin ni mai datang solat jumaat guna seluar pendek 3 suku... pelik sangat... kami cuma dapat jeling2 jer... harap2 ada org2 tua yg tegur depa...
masalah pandai pula dia org menjawap kalau ditegur
salam bro.
dogaan tu :))
Setuju dgn kata2 kamu. Walopun, sedikit di bawah paras lutut. Tp time nak rukuk dan kemudian sujud dan kendian duduk di antara 2 sujud dan akhirannya takkan meletakkan seluar itu tetap di bawah paras lutut. Maka akan terselak jugak menampakkan lutut yg sepatutnya akan dapat ditutup menggunakan kain sarung atau seluar panjang. Er.. trendy? Pelik & tak sah adalah, kan.
Alamak, terpanjang plak komen kali neh. Ampun, ampun. :)
isk ade pulak gitu eh.. ingat solat ni gi piknik ka.. isk2
salam bro,
maka tunggulah hari apabila mulut dikunci rapat dan anggota badan yang lain menjadi saksi kemaksiatan dan kemengkaran diri mereka sendiri. Sesungguhnya mereka menzalimi diri mereka sendiri...ha ha ha, tak sayang badan kot bro....
alhamdulillah...keep bring it on bro!. on top of it being an obligatory to all male muslim ..there's always 'hikmah' behind it. Allah knows what's good & what's bad for His servant...wallahualam.
im not sure this happen because of different imam of just because of fashion. i also spot this kind of thing in singapore last year, involved mat salleh.
harap menda ni tak terjadi kat malaysia.
Got it right, Bro! Good thoughts...
hmmm... bila bersolat,dah tentu aurat semasa bersolat perlu diambil berat... janganlah jadi trend plak pakai seluar pendek untuk solat nih...
thx for the reminder bro..
Yang penting tak tinggal solat
salam kenal...ishhh, begitu sekali pengaruh berfesyen nih sampai di bawa ke solat, islam itu memang mudah tapi bukanlah sampai cenggini sekali
setu, setu setuju, parents memainkan peranan yg maha penting dalam membentuk sahsiah anak-anak. jgn jadik ketam. Jgn marah anak kencing berlari kalau sendiri kencing berdiri. Ibubapa adalah model paling berpengaruh kpd anak-anak.
nampak kemelut politik di Perak tak abis lagik. Semoga Allah SWT ,memberi pentunjuk kepada kita semua yg seringkali kufur nikmat.
Sihat ke hadek hakak, panas sgt ke kat sana?
lama tak jemguk blog ni
the first female imam? she lead the friday prayer??? Bukan suara org pompuan aurat ka? n o be an imam? hmmm
The short is a matter of aurat...thatz really sad that it is not observed well..
U know what? having a *sarung culture* is actually a blessing... coz my dad gave my beloved sarongs as a gift... he didnt actually see the point of wearing the sarong...esp in turkey.. nowadays.. esp in summer when he wears knee high shorts and was/is not sure that it covers his aurat for u mentioned in ur entry... my beloved uses the sarong n prays... a simple thing sarong is n yet so brilliant!
for u guys (lelaki aaaahh), asal tak nampak lutut, takpe kan... tapi surely nampak pelik kalau di msia. 3/4 pant tu biasa kot kat luar nun msia. kat vietnam dulu, selalunya arabs la pakai 3/4 tapi takde la time solat jumaat.. masa bermusafir kot..
salam... semoga beliau2 yang tidak beraurat ketika solat itu.. dibuka pintu hatinya...
anyway ur tag done oredi
salam dik....
pemalu si saili ni rupanya....
nampak kamera ajer tu, oklay tu kan
kalau en saili pergi solat jumaat di masjid KLCC. situasi sebegini kadang2 bole dilihat. tapi mostly dari pak2 arab la. tp yg saya perhatikan, semua seluar pendek melepasi lututla.
setuju ngan bro :)
salam singgah,
pemerhatian dan teguran yang baik sekali.Ya mungkin mereka ingat aurat dari pusat ke lutut je kot..rasa tawadduk nak ngadap Allah dah kureng.kALAU ngadap raja pun kita tak dibenarkan pakai gitu inikan pula Yang MahaAgong.
Salam Arsaili,
Hmm...perkara ini pernah terjadi di sekurangnya satu masjid di kawasan Subang. Pada mulanya, AJK dan makmum tak tahu bagaimana nak buat. Lama lama kemudian, khatib sendiri yang menasihati anak Pak Arab itu dengan hemah. Alhamdulillah, rasanya la ni dah takdak kut.
ps. Sila kunjungi blog baru saya - My Neverlang. Link ada kat Talkonly.
apa nak terkejutkan sebab kes lelaki arab sembahyang ngan seluar pendek atas paras lutut kat klpun dah ditemui. Inilah salah satu punca kelemahan orang islam bila hal-hal wajib, sunat, harus, syubhah dan haram tidak diambil peduli. Agaknya arsaili dok tengah mendengkor ni hahaha sweet dream
hmmm... kat malaysia lak, la ni.. ramai yg pakai seluar panjang... tapi ramai kat shopping kompleks masa solat jumaat.. :(
ish nanti esok lusa yang pompuan pulak gitu... nauzubillah
agree...berpakaian biarlah kena dengan tempat..
aneh tol pakai sua pendek time solat!
pakai kain pelikat kan senang!
lg slese!
x gtu? hihihi~
Mahal Kamera Tu..
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