Friday, November 16, 2007

Raya - 10
Kak I house, East Victoria Park, Western Australia

Err…hold on…this is the last entry on raya…ekekeke… the nostalgic raya of the year..uhuhu. The photo above was taken at Kak I house. I told Kak I to organised small raya gathering…just among us on the 11th of December. “us” here refer to our so call closed friends. It so happen we live near to each other. My house is only 5 minutes distance from Kak I, and a few other friends live at the same block with Kak I ( this block is consider as the future Malaysia Hall in Perth..ahaks). I brought 2 types of biscuits – Love letter (I bought in JB) and Coffee biscuits (Lin bought in KL) and I also prepared lasagne for that day. Other menu was Mi Goreng, fried chicken, custard, fruits and other biscuits. That’s was the last raya gathering for me.

These past few weeks I've gone through the motions of daily life.... I feel a bit lost..or i'm just lost in myself..sometimes there is a lot of thing you need to acomplish ..but at the same time you can do nothing abou it. You just sit and keep on thinking to figure out what is the best way to do it..or how to do it. At the same time, more and more job starting to pile up...then you feel the full blown panic attack...depress...tired..bored...

STOP please...gimme a break!!!!


Orked said...

nasib baik ni pic makan² yg last, kalo tidak...buat mengidam je singgah blog dia ....he he he..

Anonymous said...

Salam bro.

This feel will also akan berlalu.
Just a matter of time, so be brave my man.

kuIna said...

makan,makan,makan part of my hoby. rite now cuti sekolah...musim gantung periuk utk pergi kenduri kawin.... makan besar lg... hihihi. dun jealous2 ya1

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Gambar terakhir pasal raya. Tapi mesti bukan gambar terakhir pasal makanan. kan? kan ? kan? He he he.

Noushy Syah said...

Well..let's face the reality Arsaili, that's part of life, having ups and downs...

And of coz we are entitled to have that feelings from time to time..just don't get carried away with's all in the mind!

Remember this..if you love to do something then sometimes you feel like you don't have work to do!!Take chocolate more it's help to de-stress!

Inah said...

chill bro..if u need to stop..just rest but dont quit =)

Acaii Jawe said...

bestnye reramai camtu kan bro, lelagi bila berjauhan dari tanah air,huhu..

Anonymous said...

reading urs last paragraph, makes me wonder; are they the PhD's symptoms??. ;)
anywys, best wishes!.

aria ayumi said...

aisehhh. entry raya makan2 lagik. jeles nau kite nih. erk, last entry on raya? alhamdulillah. huhu

maklang said...

raya tak habis2 lagi...

arsaili said...

re:jie - mengidam ker ..erkk..uhuhu

re:mazudi - thanks for d encouraging words!

re:ku ina - uikss..bestnya makan free jer yer

arsaili said...

re: jowopinter - ur right..ekekek ..makan tetap makan..

re: noushy - thanks...try my best

re: inah - tu la..i wont quit...but sometimes feel down jer

arsaili said...

re: faizal - tu la..ngan kawan2..mereka la saudara bila jauh dr sanak saudara

re: muzem - is indeed

re: aria ayumi - uhuhu...raya abis but makan tetap ada

arsaili said...

re: maklang - dh abis aaa...nostalgia jer..uhuhu

Kasawari said...

Bro, ingat leh sambung entri bab bab raya ni sampai raya korban.. he he. Apa pun sampai licin semua eh habis..

Relaks bro, kalau keletihan kena lah dulu otak otak.. he he.. mesti otak tak letih..

Wira Nordin said...

akhirnya..complete jugak 10 kisah hari raya u...:))
really menarik..
nak tunggu kisah raya haji and Xmas plak :))

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Salam Arsaili.

haa. terbukti that u can cook! Lasagna for the day! wow. cayalah arsaili. jgn stress2. kadang2 tu, stress drives us to reach max level of our skill. but becareful. not to let it overshadowing u ok.