Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Araluen, Western Australia

I'm not good at remembering the numbers, birthday or whatsoever...uhuhu. So I need people to remind me....luckily this morning my mum remind me about my kakak I ( and also on behalf of Lin) would like to wish my beloved kakak happy birthday and may Allah bless you. About my kakak, I'm very close with her, she's my enemy and she's also my friend....ekekeke. I can't denied that she is the best kakak..err by the way she's the only kakak..eheheh. Who am I today is part and parcel of her influence, for her best example especially in academic... upsr/penilaian darjah 5, PMR/SRP, SPM, degree, master....I do believe as a sister or brother, we should set a good example to our adik-adik...somehow it will infuence and expose them to the importance of life. Thanks to my big sis!!!


sTefEnO said...

Good 4 u

Kasawari said...

Selamat Hari Lahir untuk Kakak kepada A.R saili, semoga dipanjangkan usia, dimurahkan rezki, dipermudahkan urusan dunia dan akhirat..

Hari ini pulak genap 11 tahun saya bekerja di sini (31/10/1996).. he he he

echah_syed said...

~slm besday to her arsaili !!

~ pnjg umo dipermudahkan ALLAH sume urusan dunia dan akhirat..aminn.

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Sampaikan salam saya untuk kakak kamu. Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun kelahiran untuknya. Semoga kehidupan akan datang terus dirahmati dan diberkati Allah. Amin.

byl said...

rindu plak byl kt adik byl.

Orked said...

Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran untuk kakak Arsaili...moga ditetapkan iman, sihat tubuh badan, kesenangan harta benda...kesejahteraan dunia akhirat.

Abang Long said...

TAHNIAH dan selamat hari jadi buat kekandanya. Hidup berkeluarga sewajarnya begitu ... supaya bahagia dan ceria.

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Happy birthday to arsaili's big sis :) may allah bless her.

Noushy Syah said...

Parents and siblings are our idol...most persons whom influenced our life...

They are the people that mingle in our life since childhood...

Happy birthday to your sis too, may Allah bless her and future undertakings.

akirasuri said...

Selamat Hari Lahir untuk Kakak kamu..
Moga urusannya di dunia dipermudahkan.. amin..

Jaga diri baek-baek..!

zura lias said...

Selamat hari Lahir pada kakaknya..:D