Monday, October 22, 2007

Raya - 1
"Home Sweet Home" Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia
Alhamdulilah, I safely arrived in Perth last night at around 9 pm and only reached home at 11.30 pm. My Bruneian friends picked me up at the airport around 10.30 pm and then I had my super at their house. They came late because I only managed to inform them once I reached Perth. Lin did sms them early but due to technical problem, the sms didn’t reached them. Late last night when I checked my blog, I read the message left by Hairie at my cbox about Kasawari7. I did call Kasawari this morning and alhamdulilah they are doing fine. Only his wife still admitted in the hospital. I will pray for them that everything will be fine. Poor Aimman and Ammar, they must be very shocked due to the accident. To Mrs Kasawari7, speedy recovery wishes for her. I got to go and I will update my raya event later…still jet lag..uhuhuhu


Anonymous said...

Salam Lebaran arsaili..Sian die got a jetlag..Owh..Raya kat sarawak la tahun ni yerk..Anyway, maaf zahir batin.

Anonymous said...

dont worry arsaili. kasawari n family are in good hands here :)

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Alhamdulillah. dapat beraya di tanahair ekk.

Mesti kek lapis Sarawak tak tinggal ni kan... :D

Anonymous said...

hi arsaili...
good to here that you.
hmm.. have a good rest okey.
but dont rest too long, coz im looking forward to reading yr hari raya entry :)

Anonymous said...

ALhamdulillah dah selamat sampai yea..nampak berat aje tuh, balik kampung holidaying tentu lebih appetite kan kan?

Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah da smpai..
slmt kembali ke rutin biase..


mrs. kasawari operation will be today perhaps.

TokNabe said...

Selamat kembali ke aus.Mesti belum puas balik tanahair ni....kesian tapi tak pelah, begitulah adatnya merantau.

kuIna said...

raya sakan no.... hihihi hati dan body dah smpai aus. ker?

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum arsaili,

Bila u update your raya entry later on, jgn lupa sertakan gambar kuih lapis sarawak yang pelbagai corak dan warna tu. For sure menarik giler. Kita nak promote betapa kreatifnya orang sarawak terutama bila bab makanan...kuikuikui..

Wira Nordin said...

semoga sihat-sihat semuanya

aria ayumi said...

alhamdulillah, sgala urusan dipermudahkanNya... :)

p/s-i like the pic! very sweet! :)

arsaili said...

re: Shakirah - raya di swak then sambung kat sini plak..ehehe

re: Jeff - tu la Alhamdulilah..hand dia org semua ok, except kaki Isteri dia jer..

re: Jowo Pinter - kek lapis swak satu jer..tu pun beli..ehehe

arsaili said...

re: Kuncup - busy aa balik2 nih..adess

re: Noushy - uhuhu..maintain..after kuar spital ilang 1 kg

re: arasis - tak bes nya rutin biasa..uhuhu

arsaili said...

re: jeff - alhamdulilah semua ok

re: toknabe - itula tok...tapi ini semua menambah warna warni kehidupan

re: jentayutiara - menyakan raya..hati n mind tetap di msia

arsaili said...

re: tgsasma - ala..lupa nak ambik gambor kek lapis, kat umah satu jer kek lapis...ingat mok beraya umah kitak..tapi sik sempat..ekekeke raya maybe

re: wiranordin - alhamdulilah sihat

re: aria ayumi - thanks

Juezura said...

cantiknyaa rumah dia kat kuching tu ....huhuhu nyaman jaa nampaknya :-)

arsaili said...

re: Kak long - hijauuuu kuning....ehehe