A few weeks ago, I went to the library. I saw this young man, probably in his 30’s mobile freely with his wheel chair. Its remind me of KS, the famous blogger known as Kassim Selamat. When he stopped at one corner, I approached him and started the conversation. He seems pretty ok..there was no sign “erkk..leave me alone”.. so I continued the conversation and interviewed him (just like a reporter..ahaks). He told me that he had involved in the motorbic accident in England. As a result of this accident, he injured his lower spine. He originally from England, and so happened not far from a place where I lived when I was in England...umm what a small world, I don't meet him overthere but in Australia. So we chatted for quite sometimes. I wish him all the best to end the conversation.
Here in WA, I think the facilities and amenities for disable community are well-established. In fact today, I saw the taxi for disabled (see the photo that I shoot). Alhamdulilah Malaysia is now moving towards disable friendly user. We hope there will be ‘free barrier’ environment to cater the needs of disable community. This is very crucial and the implementation definitely will take time. The government needs to invest in the existing development and imposed the rules and regulation concerning disable need in the future development. It’s not solely the building but also the recreation facilities, transportation and others.
Therefore I hope disabled people of our generation do not have to wait in futility for that long to see changes. And what important is that they can lead fairly normal lives.
Here in WA, I think the facilities and amenities for disable community are well-established. In fact today, I saw the taxi for disabled (see the photo that I shoot). Alhamdulilah Malaysia is now moving towards disable friendly user. We hope there will be ‘free barrier’ environment to cater the needs of disable community. This is very crucial and the implementation definitely will take time. The government needs to invest in the existing development and imposed the rules and regulation concerning disable need in the future development. It’s not solely the building but also the recreation facilities, transportation and others.
Therefore I hope disabled people of our generation do not have to wait in futility for that long to see changes. And what important is that they can lead fairly normal lives.
bestnya... pengalaman yg menarik hari ini..
hai.. mmg bermastautin kat aussie ker?
Mostly EU countries have a friendly user public transportation!That's part of Developed countries/nations are with highly civic minded, unlike certain countries with mega-posh-blash buildings and high tech but still having 3rd world mentality!
some lessons learned here :)
sometimes, disabled ppl have very high determination in their life.
re: Jie - yea..belanja byk benda dengan melihat...
re: mak su - dok eh...InsyaAllah akan kembali...
re: Noushy- yea..ppl tend to neglect the important element...
re: aria - yea...the environment must support them so that they can be just like one of us...the poor thing is because of the school is not disable friendly they dont go to school, because of the office not disable friendly they cannot get the job...etc
Betul tuh...kerajaan patut lakukan dan improve sesuatu..kalau tak, sesia ajer bayar cukai :D
hari orang .. hari kita Allah sahaja yang tahu.
Hi Arsaili,
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Your view on disabled people impressed me a lot. U seem to understand them well.
In Kota Kinabalu, i dont see any single facility for the disabled.
Like Noush said....mega-posh-building but with 3rd world mentality!
Perkongsian yang bagus sdra.
Di Malaysia sekarang kemudahan untuk OKU masih banyak yang perlu dipertingkatkan lagi. Tapi kira oklah berbanding dulu.
bro..kat mesia ni facilities for OKU pun tak berapa byk lg..except for a few places jer yg OKU friendly..we are still way behind in that seems that our govt does not care enough for these people..most of the buildings not even have ramps...our bro KS knows better...
Memang benar kata2 rakan2 kita..Kemudahan bagi OKU amat terhad di Malaysia ni..Banyak lagi kelemahan perlu diperbaiki di negara kita ni..;)..Bagus ya di sana kelengkapannya agak canggih..
re: 13 May - uhuhu...firm jer bunyik nya may..but memang betul kan
re: jeff - betul bro..setuju sangat2, who know la kan..kita atau org yg kita sayangi ker...
re: abgjas - thank abgjas, i'm trying to understand them better..yea we are not up there yet, but really hope we will one day..
re: jowopinter - ia..harapnya akan terus bertambah baik dengan usaha yg berterusan
re: uncle j - yea..but harapnya akan ada perubahan..
re: dean - kita perlu maju dlm semua aspect..agar pembangunan di nikmati semua golongan
Wah best la taxi kat sana. senang kan utk org OKU.. prihatin sungguh.
re: kasawari -aaaa...mmg perihatin, harus kita contohi
Wah best ek kemudahan utk OKU disana yer.
camtu nak pindah sana ler...hihihi
re: Kassim Selamat - jom la KS..tak pindah pun holiday kat sini...ekekeke
meh...pakat pindah...bukan pindah sana...pindahkan minda masyarakat/kerajaan or whatever yang baik & mesra OKU dari sana ke sini(Malaysia tanahairku..patrotik :D)
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