Kucing, Kuching, Cochin, Ku - Ching
Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia
Kiki (male) and Misty (female) are both our beloved cats. Somehow Misty reminds me of Tampuk in Jowopinter's blog.... his mum's cat. Speaking of the witch, many people curious how did Kuching city get its name?
The question of how Kuching got its name has puzzled and discombobulated. It spawned many stories, ranging from the plausible to outright nonsense in explaining how the name came about.
Most people believe it something to do with cat. There was a small river named Sungai Kuching which was always visited by wild cats. Not far from the river there was a small hill occupied by pokok Buah Mata Kuching (an edible fruit Nephelium Malarese) and the hill was named as Bukit Mata Kuching. According to this story that is how the origin of the name Kuching
Another speculation how Kuching get its name is from the word ‘Cochin’. Cochin is derived from the word Kaci meaning harbour. During the Brooke dynasty, Kuching was the important harbour among the Indochina.
The Chinese believe Kuching got its name for the Mandarin word for ‘old well’ is ‘ku (old) ching (well). The well was either dug by the earliest Chinese settlers or was already there when they first set foot in the area because the well was referred to as the ‘old well’ among them. The exact site of the well is at number 59 Upper China Street, a shop selling and repairing scales. The floor of the shop is slightly sunken because it was built on top of the filled-up well.
In fact there are many other tales but which is the right one? Ahaks..leave it to the historian to decide…
The question of how Kuching got its name has puzzled and discombobulated. It spawned many stories, ranging from the plausible to outright nonsense in explaining how the name came about.
Most people believe it something to do with cat. There was a small river named Sungai Kuching which was always visited by wild cats. Not far from the river there was a small hill occupied by pokok Buah Mata Kuching (an edible fruit Nephelium Malarese) and the hill was named as Bukit Mata Kuching. According to this story that is how the origin of the name Kuching
Another speculation how Kuching get its name is from the word ‘Cochin’. Cochin is derived from the word Kaci meaning harbour. During the Brooke dynasty, Kuching was the important harbour among the Indochina.
The Chinese believe Kuching got its name for the Mandarin word for ‘old well’ is ‘ku (old) ching (well). The well was either dug by the earliest Chinese settlers or was already there when they first set foot in the area because the well was referred to as the ‘old well’ among them. The exact site of the well is at number 59 Upper China Street, a shop selling and repairing scales. The floor of the shop is slightly sunken because it was built on top of the filled-up well.
In fact there are many other tales but which is the right one? Ahaks..leave it to the historian to decide…
i believe it is something to do with cats and have never heard about 'Cochin' before.
there are always interesting stories behind every name :)
tun ada kucing
nama kucing tun lessy
dia kuat makan..
dan sgt mengada ngada.. huhu.. lari topik ker?
re: Hafiz - ur right ..there is always interesting stories behind every name
re: Tun - tak lari, lessy jer yg larik .....larikkkkkkk
owh eh.. baru tau..
waaa.. tibe2 rs nk mkn mata kucing.. huhhu
re: kurt kuden - kat indo tak ker bro? or else ambik jer mata si kucing..tapi kejam la plak....ahaks
Emm..interesting facts...
Cats are so cute..
Kucing City is interesting to be explored...
Buah mata kucing is delicious...quite expensive here..
Just be careful with cats shit as it contains toxoplasmosis!:)
Orang tua saya kat kampun bela kucing hampir 20 ekor.... Thanks for visit my blog
uiksss banyaknya.....tapi kucing leh atasi stress
kunjungan balas...
cantik kucing2 tu..
re: zino - makasih....
erk..kakjie silap masuk kelas ni tapi best...
bila entah nk sampai kuceng.... kawan2 dah ramai dok tunggu...:D
haah la plak...arsaili, apa buah mata kucing in english ek! cat's eyes..hahahha....
saya suke kucing..rumah saya manyak kucing..kucing kesayangan, lotter n ona...:D..
comeinye kucin... huk huk.. saya suka kucin... hehe
nama.. err, si putih ngan si brown jer.. huu
would like to share with you one day... :D
waaa first time tgk kucing yg bawah tuu.. comei toii
alala, comeinye kucing tu bang..teringat kucing2 kat umh,hehee
Kak linn takut n geli ngan kucing!!!!!!!.......eee....kalau org usik klinn bg kucing mmg sure menjerit punyer.....heheeeee
alahai...cute miut sungguh tucin tuuu..
salam... my grandma pun suka bela kucing... me, belai2 kejap boleh laa... nak bela, alamat meninggal la kucing tu tak makan... :p
Salam :)
Hurmm so apa pula fakta yang tersimpan di sebalik nama arsaili? ;D
Sangat bersetuju dengan tintahati, sudah lama nak tanya, apa maksud - arsaili ....
Whatever it is, I luv Kuching, esp if somebody can treat me river cruising along Sarawak River...what a wonderful experience...err can ke brother?
re:jie - saya pun tunggu kak jie..meh dtg bila sy ada di sana k...
Re:jun - yea..setahunya dia ambil sempena nama cats dragon eyes - buah longan, so dia di nama cat's eyes.. wallahualam..
re:zura - uiksss..nama lotter..ekekeke
Kalau pergi Kuching jangan lupa belikan tikar sarawak dan ikan salai.
re: Syahidatul - putih n brown..napa tak putih n perang..eheheh
re: ien - aaa color dia perang kelabu putih..kita org panggil dia anak singa..mmg garang pun..uhuhu
re: faisal - tengok la tuan dia..muahahaha
re;linn - lerr...nape la plak takut kucing..isk3
re;airynnz - aaa comei kan..ehehe
re;sastri - erkk..klu cam tu tok sah ler bela kucing, kesian plak
re; tintahati - erkkk 'biar la rahsia' ekekek quote nama blog awak...ahaks
re: abanglong - tu kena tulis buku tuh bang long..the memoir of arsaili..ahaks...
re: etomyam - tak yah bodek...ekekeke well, tunggu bila sy kat kuching la..sure no problem..gi tau jer bila nak dtg..duduk tak berapa jauh dr airpot pun..leh pick u up
my fav pet last time was kucing but not anymore bcos too bz even to take care of myself...hehehe..see u again..
Yer kan. Kenapa kucing.
Time aku kecik kecik dulu kami bagi nama kat kucing ikut kaler, Putih, Hitam, Celoreng. Biru jer yang takder.
antie ni sume haiwan pun takut even pun COCHIN huhu..
~ take care ~
Bro, nak tau keluarga saya memang suka kucing, mungkin sebab arwah atok belah abah ada bele kucing banyak. So abah pun uka kucing, kat rumah abah dah macam zoo kucing, tapi bukan persian.. kucing kampung jer.. Ammar dan Aiman pun suka kucing, cuma Ammar kena control sebab semputnya.. Saya pulak memang minat kucing.. dulu ada bela sekor, namanya Shiro (macam nama anjing shincan).. tapi dah hilang..
eh macam blog saya pulak.. he he..
tapi saya tak suka buah mata kucing, cuma suka air mata kucing.. he he MEOW MEOW
Mengikut mitos. kucing ada 7 nyawa, betul ke? dah nama mitos....
Tom & Jerry pun best.
i'll love to be in kuching again.
tentu kucing akan malu malu kucen bila sejarah dirinya dibuka dalam blog
Hi Arsaili,
The same goes to 'Kinabalu'(mount) I guess. I dont know if it has something to do with the'widow of a chinese person'...
Comelnya. Sayang, saya alah pada bulunya....
Patung Kuching di bandar Kuching itu besar ek. Dah kira macam berhala tu. :D
Salam Arsaili,anak tokmoh pun ada bela kucing,dia bagi nama BEAN.Bila tokmoh balik kampung,dia postkan BEAN ke rumah neneknya.
gua punya kucing nama potet. skang tgh belaja memberahikan diri ngan kucing kabaret jiran gua. tak lama lagi jadik atuk la gua... cett..
arasis suka kucim tp leh main ngn kucing org bela je. pstu lps main ngn kucim kne bsuh tgn klu x gatal2..huhu..
re:waliz - suh la kucing taking care of u plak..ekekke
re:mazudi- ehehe...macam2 name jer kan..skang leh cari nama khas utk kucing kat internet
re:echah - erk apa la aunty nih...ekekeke tak mesra haiwan plaks
re: Kasawari - shiro bes nama tuh...ala2 jepun ekeke...ler aiman semput ker..bahaya bulu kucing kalau alah nih..
re: TokNabe - dulu baca buku citer dongeng ...dia org kata 9 nyawa..umm nama pun dongeng kan..ekeke
re: NBB - dtg la lai....sawardikap..ekekeke..silap benua plak
re: maksu- ekekeke ada kebenaran tuh mak su...
re: AbgJas - yea...disebelah nama itu sure ada sejarahnya..mount kinabalu ...if in kuching mount santubung..also has its own mythos
re: Jowopinter - semput gak ker bro..adessss..yea so big, ala berhala..nasib tak sebenar patung kat cairo tuh...ahaks..tapi ramai plak yg suka bergambo kat situ
re: tokmoh- bean cute nya nama..sure debab cam bentuk bean..ekekek
re: posmen - uiksss...kena la hantar dia majlis berkhatan musim cuti sekolah ni..kalau tak nanti berkembang biak plak..byk plak cucu cicit hang..ekekeke
ahaks. peminat kucen rupanya dia.
sblm ni, xpenah tahu lak asal usul kerabat kucen nih. yg kite tahu kucing ni salah sekor haiwan kesayangan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w kan
re: aria ayumi - ye ke..tatau plak kucing haiwan kesayangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
huwaaaa... lama x jenguk blog nih... huhuhu... ala, pd hal, baru 2 ari x sentuh keybod... windu nyer... huhuhu... kocing??? kelat suker bangat ngan makhluk kocing nih... x caye... p blog kelattttt... penuh ngan makhluk tuh... makhluk tu kan makhluk yg pnyayanggggg... cam kelat gaks... adeiiiii... pasan btoiiii... uhukuhuk... anywayyy... i lurve cat... meowwww... meowwwww... ;-p
:: salam... PakNgah diam di KUCHING (sarawak)... tapi tak bela KUCING... dan di tempat asal PakNgah... KUCING disebut KUCIN... dan salah sebut serta salah eja/tulis/taip... akan memberi makna yang berbeza.
re; kelat - isk3 tu dh cam cat women nyer..mengeow...ekekekeke
re; PakNgah - errrkkk ye ker pak ngah..apa maksud kalau tersalah eje tuh..uhuhuhu ..bahaya
org kate pelihara kucing bewarna kelabu untuk elak kebakaran...
betul ke..??
Salam Arsaili. dh lama x tinggal komen kt sini. selama ni sempat jenguk n membaca je. dh kutip ilmu, terus cabut. hehe. wkt 1st time baca entry ni dulu, terasa mcm: wah. uniknye asal-usul kuching. banyak sumber. teringat tahun 1990 dulu wkt sy 1st time dtg sarawak. kuching masih sangat kuno. teksinya pelik2. sy nangis ajak mak balik pahang semula. hehe. tp sy bertahan duk di kuching n miri 5-6 bln kot. tp bila dh besar pnjng ni, teringin nk ke kuching lg. hehe.
alaa3..tomeynyer kuciinn..!!
Soooo ini Kiki & Misty...memang gemok & cute!
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