Monday, November 12, 2007

Raya - 9

Raya Open House, Bentley, Western Australia

A week after Seloka Raya event, there was another “open house” by one of MAS staff on the 3rd of November. We were invited in the afternoon and the foods were marvellous. I enjoyed my favourite food such as chicken rice, rendang tok, serunding, lodeh and cakes.

Today is really hot, it’s about 39 degree Celsius…I’m sweating and you can even feel the heat. Owh…summer is here!!! Ahaks. It’s the time for ice cream and cold drink uhuhuhu


Anonymous said...

bro .. wahhh byk betul nostalgia Syawal yer, sampai dah masuk Zulkaedah ni? hehe.jgn marah gurau jer

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Wah! Tak habis-habis lagi ke beraya? :D

yanglerni said...

panasnye...samapi 39 degree celsius?...kita pun tak sampai cam tu

TokNabe said...

Cukupkan entri untuk raya hingga ke 30. :D

Noushy Syah said...

NOOOOOOOOO...Arsaili, while you're enjoying summertime there, we're almost frozen here..well not's only 2degree celcius!

wow...more food!! Lamanya Syawal disana?! Maybe this is Diwali celebration too?Ohh ok was backdated entry...

Unknown said...

fuyyo panas tuh.. kat sini musim hujan... dah tu cuti sekolah... = musim kawen...eekkkeek..

Abang Long said...

Kalau raya jatuh musim panas, mesti hidangannya termasuk aiskrim .... hmmmmmmm

HazuraHamzah said...

ni baru betul2 raya ni.... err.. puasa ckp ker?

byl said...

nak post entri raya sebulan ke ni?

echah_syed said...

mkn lagi !!..xmo tgk laaa jeles ni :(

~ 39 degree celcius...??

~ panas tu ekk..

~ biasa kita..32 degree jer kot :D

aNIe said...

Chicken rice...favourite anak2 kak lady jugak...

Wow!! 39 degrees? Panas tu...

Mersik said...

Amboi2.. bila dtg sini.. sik ada cite makan jek. hik hik Meriahnya.. terasa ingin kesana saja..

Apa2 pun.. layan.. jgn tak layan..

iEn said...

open house lagi tu.. hehe.

13may said...

hoh??? tak abis raya lagi ker???

hahha :D

akirasuri said...

raya lagi ke? hahak!!

sekarang deepa la :P

arsaili said...

re:jeff - ekeke..nak cukup 10 entry la wei

re: Jowopinter- uhuhu beraya sebulan..

re: lerni - aa berbahang cam dlm sauna plak rasanya....tapi panas lagi api neraka ...errkk takutnya

arsaili said...

re:TokNabe - uhuhu cukupkan 10 entry jer...mana de byk open hse..ekeke

re:Noushy - thats why ramai european fly to Oz in december...bole membanjiri pantai di sini...tutup mata!!!

re: Nat - ekekeke...sini kena guna air con ler

arsaili said...

re:abang long - itu la bang long..ekekeke

re:Hazura - uiksss..jgn la tanya..kan uzur ( sakit)..ahaks

re: BYL - 10 entry jer ..perli nampak..uhuhuhu

arsaili said...

re: Ecah - aunty..tu pun nak jeles..kat sana melambak makanan..ekekek

re: Kak lady - ye mmg suka nasi ayam ni..3-4 pinggan pun bole jalan

re: mersik - meh la dtg sini..bole bawa jenjalan..leh jumpa opah d gak...

arsaili said...

re: ien - musti la..enjoyyyy

re: 13May - la ni dh abis...entry backdated jer...ahaks

re: Akirasuri - tak celebrate..ekekeke

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

salam arsaili..

ya ampun la hai.. mmg x penah abis2 dgn makanan2 dia ni.. its so true that arsaili is the legend of food :)

eh, lupa tny kbr..sehat?

faridmw said...

bestnya.... tentu makan sedap2kan...

Anonymous said...

Rumah Terbuka Sapa..Mesti Jumpa Awek MAS Cun²..Hehe