Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Scribbling

Bentley, Western Australia

Fuhhh..I feel a little bit tired. I went out at 9.30 am to accompany my friend, M to Ambassador Hotel in the city. Actually today we became a tourist guide to M’s friend, Kak A and Makcik. They came here for holiday and joined one of the tourist packages. Since today is the free day for them so we brought them to Subiaco Market just to see the Australian fresh produces then followed by visiting one of the universities. We then stop for lunch at Makan-Makan restaurant and had a break for 1 hour for Zohor. They dropped me at my house and they resided to M house. I managed to do my laundry and clean the house while waiting to send them to the hotel. On the way back to the hotel, we went to Burswood for them to take photo by the Swan River. After the photo session (sound like artist..ahaks) we brought them to souvenir shop in the city. Since Kak A and Makcik were too lazy to go out again for dinner, so we went to Ole-ole restaurant for roti canai, not far from the souvenir shop. I just had 1 slice of roti canai because I’m still full. Their flight will be tomorrow morning. After dropping them off at the hotel and wished them a safe journey home, we decided to go for Town of Victoria Park Christmas Street Mall. It was really happening… Pictures that speak a thousand words…..


Anonymous said...

Sounds like ada banyak pulak tempat makan dengan nama melayu kat sana. Tak der la susah sangat yer nak makan.

Unknown said...

Erm..bilala agaknya dapat mendarat di bumi Australia nih...Hehehe..Tak mampu ler..Huhuhu..:(

Inah said...

jadi tourist guide ek..heheh..lenkali can be my tourist guide jugak =)

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Nampak memang happening. Cuma muka mamat itu tak nampak sangat. Itu yang agak kurang happening. He he he!

echah_syed said...

lame lagi ker kt sana???

~ ne tau kot ade rezeki nk gi..

~ guide dah ade kn kn !!!

~ take care ~

Anonymous said...

bestnye..nak pegi gak!!hehe..

Zetty said...

teringin sesangat nak jejakkan kaki kat negara kangaroo nieh .. tatau laa bila ada rezeki nak ke sana .. karang bleh aa jadi tourist guide for me ye:)

arsaili said...

re: mazudi - not really..byk indonesian n msian restaurant kat sini..asal ada duit jer

re:dean - dtg la...beli ticket and pocket money, nanti sy bawa jenjalan

re:Inah - InsyaAllah..

arsaili said...

re:jowopinter - uhuhu..entah la mamat tu..tatau nak komen

re: echah - bole aunty ..dtg la

re:arasis - jommm

zura lias said...

bile nk bawak sy jenjln australia plak..hikss...

arsaili said...

re; zura - umm...bila dtg sini la..ehehe

KeL@T said...

nak ikottttttttttt.. nak ikotttttttt... kelat nak ikottttt... bleh??? best nyer kat sane... huhuhu...

Kasawari said...

Wah ada roti canai.. Aiman mesti suka. Jom Aiman kita pekena roti canai. Beshh eh temapt ni.. MZ mesti suka.. he he

kuIna said...

eemmm mcm best yer..aha... jentayu tgh jahit sayap utk terbang ke sana...

Anonymous said...

"Makan-makan Restaurant"; "Ole-ole Restaurant";

- Wohha!! sempoy nye name kedai-kedai makan kat sinun!.

Mak Su said...

ada roti canai gaks?

Anonymous said...

Kereta lama pun ni lau gi tgk jugak..

tun teja said...

nak gi nak gi...

arsaili said...

re;kelat - umm ikut la...tumpang ikan lumba2

re;kasawari - takla sesedap roti canai kat msia..uwaaaa

re;ku ina - jahit elok2..jauh perjalanan tu

arsaili said...

re:muzem - aaa.sempoi gilak2..ekekek

re:mak su - macam2 ada kt sini..ehehe

re:mrozaidi - meh la dtg banget

arsaili said...

re: Tun Teja - ajak la laksama Ho Chi Min dtg temankan berlayar

aria ayumi said...

kat sana musim summer ke skang? eheh. tanya soklan xde kaitan lak. btw, my mom said, summer kat luar negara sejup nya sama macam kat cameron. tol ke

Anonymous said...

best je ckp 'jom' ek. klu tiket flight leh byr ngn daun xpe la.hehehe..

Anonymous said...

Makan mee bandung kat Muar jom! Heh!

HEMY said...

Waaa..australia..dok belah mana?aku dpat la ke sana 2 hari - Perth

DeeN said...

Salam kenal,
Nak g Gold COast, nak g Tasman Island. *senyum*

posmen said...

ostolia.. slalu ade big konsert.. best ah hang..

arsaili said...

re; aria- tu kalau kat uk, kat perth ni..rasa dlm ketuhar jer..

re: arasis - bole..tapi kena jual dulu daun...ekekek baru dpt duit..jadi peladang teh berjaya..ahaks

re: Azzam - wokey..tungguuuuuu..belanja ye

arsaili said...

re: anul- perth aa ...meh dtg lai

re: nur@deen - kat perth nih...uuhuhu

re: posmen - tak pernah g pung..ehehe