Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tragedy November
Technology Park, Western Australia

When I walked out to my car this morning, I can hear a weird sound rushed my senses. Deep down, I know what happened to my car. To make sure… I got into my car and checked the light indicator. Well well well…I forgot to turn off the lamp..what a tragedy!!!! I can’t start my car ….for sure the battery totally flat. What a day…I need to go to the office to settle few things and I need to go for another property viewing at 4…I called the mechanic, but he’s not free till later this evening. Umm..I called a few friends if they have any jumper cable to jump-start the car..but none! I’m writing this entry. I just don’t know what to do now….last hope is the caretaker who lives next door. But he’s away at the moment. I hope he can help me to deal with the car once he gets home.

The caretaker Mr M. did help me with my car but the jump start didn't work. The battery seems totally flat. So I walked to main street to buy the new battery which cost me AUD$ expensive which is about RM300 plus. Mr.M helped me to install the new battery....thanks Mr. M. I will buy him dinner this weekend. Tomorrow I will send my car to the mechanic Pak Y, an Indonesian guy for service. It will cost me perhaps another AUD$80. And what make it worst I received a letter from the insurance company regarding my claim when I was admitted to the hospital before. They request for further info and it must be fill by the attending medical officer. It was an emergency and I don't even know who is the doctor. I called the Royal Perth Hospital and Patrick promise to call me back tomorrow. I want to scream .....arrrrrrrrrrrrrr

"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason" Jack Handy


yanglerni said...

Kadang2 benda macam ni terjadi kat kita...takpa arsaili istighfar banyak2...aunty harap semua ok lepas ni..

erm...scream if you have to...mmg lega pas tu

TokMoh said...

Semua tu dugaan dari-Nya.Byk2 bersabaq dan kita kena muhasabah diri kita.TokMoh pun kena juga hari nie, mesin rumput tak nak idup walaupun baru 2 hari lepas hantar servis.

Unknown said...

Salam Arsaili...
Laaa... tak ada road side assistance dari RAC ke? You have to have that la, my dear. Murah dan mudah. Less than hundred dollars a year. Kalau bateri flat kat mana-mana, just call RAC then, that yellow car will come.
Redha tau. Itu satu ujian. InsyaALLAH, ada something in store for you.

Kasawari said...

Bro, kena buat interlock la tu.. he he. macam kereta2 sekarang, bila tarik kunci lampu hidup.. bunyi beeepppp (bukan beep beep eh).. apa pun berbaloi gak eh battery tu.. takperlah.. kemahalan tu ada hikmahnya..

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Kalau diletakkan sekali gambar kereta itu tentu lebih berkesan entri ini. :D

Di sini bateri yang maintenance-free pun nak dekat RM300 juga harganya.

Itu spesis pokok apa ek?

KeL@T said...

hai... arsaili... sesungguhnya... sabar itu separuh daripada imannn... salam ukhwahhh...

Anonymous said...

hmmm, patut ar wallet tu nampak kempes jer cam perut arsaili. teeheehee...

ps: i heard from my friend that went to Australia things there are damn expensive... ermmm :(

Anonymous said...

Pheww!!. ni dugaan ke-2 lak eh. rumah + kereta; dua-dua lak tu vital-property.. huhu. takpe, bear in mind:
"experience is a great teacher. it gives the test first, then it would come the lessons". have a blessed day ahead.


TokNabe said...

Salam sdr...mmg tension betul kalau tengah nak cepat terjadi pulak perkara camni.

Bleh tahan jugak nooo.harga bateri tu..

arsaili said...

re: yang lerni - itu la aunty..harap semuanya reda...phewww

re: TokMoh - time kasih tokmoh..memang redha dah..setiap yg berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya

re: Oshun - tade la opah..thanks, setiap kesusahan itu sure ada yg akan dipermudahkan kemudian

arsaili said...

re: kasawari - uhuhu..tu la...tapi biasala kete cabuk..uwaa

re: Jowopinter - malu plak nak tayang kete buruk..nanti la...oo ada maintenance free punya bateri ek...tu bateri yg termurah kat kedai tuh..yg mahal sampai dekat aud$200.

re: kelat - yeap sungguh bersabar walaupun hidup terasa kelat jer..ehehe thanks for drop by

arsaili said...

re: kuncup - it is sabor jer laaaa..ehehe

re: Muzem - yea..thanks...ada hikmah InsyaAllah

re: TokNabe - yea..tapi alhamdulilah selesai juga benda2 yg kena buat semalam

etomyam said...

what a of my favorite tragedy is 'Tragedi Oktober'...Tak sanggup lagi aku, mengenangkan lah, nanti find the mp3

Anonymous said...

Wah Besarnya Pokok..Bila Nak gi Tebangnyer..Heheh

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Ya Allah... kesiannya. tu la kan. kadang2 tu, benda2 yg remeh ni kita terlupa. sabar byk2 arsaili. diuji dlm hal keta, moga2 dipermudahkan nak cari rumah tu ye.

Anonymous said...

takpe2.. pakai torch light pehni ye hehe

Noushy Syah said...

SUdah jatuh ditimpa tangga...too bad...all I could say is banyak2 bersabar...part of God's testing our patience!!

Jun said...

isk3, siannyer arsaili..bertimpa2 masalah ye..x per, dugaan tu..ade la yg bagus nak datang pas tu nanti ..sabo j la yer...

arsaili said...

re: etomyam - ehehe sy minat gak lagu tuh..tu yg teringat n bagi title tragedy november..ahaks

re:mrozaidi - erkkk..tunggu jadi pembalak berjaya...hikss

re: sarah - Harapnya di permudahkan..ameen

arsaili said...

re: ien - uhuhuhu..torch light pun tade..umm

re: Noushy - aaa jahat betul la tangga nih..uhuhu...yea..ujian tuh..kena sabar

arsaili said...

re: jun - tu la aunty..ada hikmah nya tuh...ehehe

kuIna said...

cool bro... dugaan, cubaan. Sabar ya.... BTW it happen 2 me also yesterdy tp tak la sampai kena tukar bateri..

echah_syed said...

cian dia..

~bila dlm kesusahan..ingt ALLAH byk2..

nnt kita gi mcD !! :)

Jamal Abd Rahman said...

sama ler kita...smlm keta sy batri kong jugak..seb baik kong sebelah kedai repair keta..jump start terus pi beli bateri baru...skrg bateri mmg mahal, keta kecik pun dah dkt rm150...dulu rm80 jer...huhu

but tu semua adalah dugaan..nak test how strong our iman is...chewahhh..
just sabar dgn semua tu...

Acaii Jawe said...

waaa, so expensivelah batteri kat sana,huhu..:) kesimpulannya, jgn lupe matikan lambu kete ye bro,hehee...:) emm, rasanya boleh pakai lagi batteri tu if cas kat kedai..kat sini cas balik rm5 je sbb member penah kena camtu...:)

Unknown said...

alahai keciannyer... sabau yer... hubby nat pon kene gak aritu tengah bulan lepas... tp msih leh jump start.. kalu tak.. huwa... tumpang lorry sayur balik selayang.. ekekek

Allah tak uji kita kalau kita tak mampu menghadapinya...

Unknown said...

Sabau2. Ini kes sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga, terpegang pula taik ayam :D

Tetapi hikmahnya sudah tentu lebih hebat daripada kesusahannya, kan?

Tuhan sahaja yang tahu.

Anonymous said...

Salam to arsaili... Ahaa...betul la tuh. Kek batik yg sekut meri tuh.. Kat Australia ade x ?hehehhe...

arsaili said...

re: Ku Ina - umm..tu la sabo jer...klu musim sejuk senang la nak cool ni musim panas...errr bertambah hot jer ..ahaks

re: echah - wokey aunty..set ya..uhuhuhu

re: uncle j - itu la uncle, ramai org senasib...bila fikir masa tu, rasa nape jer asyik kena jer..rupa im not alone...ada hikmahnya tu

arsaili said...

re: faizal- tu la cai..tapi dh malas nak fikir dh,baling jer dlm tong sampah..abis citer...ahaks

re: Nat - sib baik ada lori yg nak tumpangkan..kat sini alamat jalan kaki la..fuhhhh

re: zalisa - tu la..tak nampak lak ada ayam, burung gagaks banyak la..ekeke