Friday, November 30, 2007

Coffee ohhh kopak

Belmont, Western Australia

Perth is not as happening as Malaysia. By 6 pm you can see the sign of death city. All the malls are closed by then. Except on Thursday it closes at 9 pm and you can see a kind of festive all around. The road busy with cars and people hang around in the mall for shopping or window shopping. Surely there is another world at night especially over the weekends. There is lots of pub to cater the social needs of the youngsters in particular. I don't go to this kind of place so most of the time I will stay at home or just go to the restaurant for dinner. Yesterday evening, my friends and I went to Belmont Shopping centre. It is not far from our house, about 15 minutes drive. My friends had their listed things to buy and as for me I just want to go for window shopping ( I didn't bumped into Opah De..if not mistaken she lived near it true Opah..ahakas). But I end up bought some food at Coles. While waiting for them shopping, I felt so thirsty so I decided to buy Iced Coffee. There is cafe near buy. Actually it was the first time I bought iced coffee and I thought it will be white coffee with ice. Believe it or not, she first scooped ice cream then pour the iced coffee...I lost my word..and I just took the coffee which cost me AUD$4 friend told me you better through it away...yea I know but it such a waste...kind of throwing AUD$4 bills into the dustbin. But the issue is that we don't know if the ice cream is halal or not. There is very limited halal ice cream product here in Australia. Only certain product of Cadbury and Peters claimed to be halal. So without further due I just threw it into the dustbin....sayonara..ahaks.. I went to Coles and bought the packed ice coffee. I checked the ingredient and it is definitely halal. Just be careful, even pork food product has the halal label on it…errkkk!

“O ye who believe! Eat of the good things that we provided for you” (Holy Quran 2:172)


Mak Su said...

hari khamis malam jemahat kedai totop kul 9pm? kenaper? sebab ada pasar malam ker?

Anonymous said...

Salam ....

ok jugak tu kalau pukul 6 , semua dah senyap.

at least tak ada anak anak muda dok berkeliaran ...

semua kena dok umah , sebab tak der tempat nak lepak

kat sini pun , ada gak eskrim yg tak halal ...

suriani said...

owang ostralia kat situ tidur awai ke haper?
takde orang party party?

Ayu Mohamad said...

tutup awal ek...haaa tauuu mcm kedai kat waterfront kat Kuching hehehe kol 7 mlm byk yang dah tutup

blackpurple @ jowopinter said...

Kalau makanan ada bab* itupun ada tanda halal, memang kena berhati-hati sangatlah...

Kawan saya ada cerita, dia dan kawan dia makan di restoran di Australia kalau tak silap. Ada satu restoran jual sup bab*, kawan kepada kawan saya ini jahil 'gaban' orangnya, dia kata, "tak apa, aku makan kuahnya saja, isinya aku letak tepi". Isk! Kalau kawan saya itu tipu, saya pun tipulah cerita ini.

Ha ha ha!

Hafiz said...

di Melbourne pun lebih kurang sama ajer. rasanya, hanya pub atau supermarket jer yang buka time malam2 di australia.

bila berada di luar negara ni, kena berhati-hati bab makanan dan minuman ini. kena tahu segala isi kandungan makanan terutamanya emulsifier.

Puteri Satu said...

salam kenal gak...thanks sudi singgah blog akak...
emmm..naper tak selamat ke sebab tu diaorang tutup awal...

shafarina said...

Salam Arsaili,

How lucky we Malaysians are - we have kopitiams :)

Takpa, balik nanti boleh minum banyak2.

Jun said...

hi arsaili..akak x minum kopi...tapi wat kopi leh! hehehe...
kat mesia ni pon byk ngat citer mende yg x halal...bukan dok 'sana' j pening..dok sini pon kna hati2 gak!

akirasuri said...


Di Malaya pun kadang-kadang label saja halal, tapi tak halal..
Itu negara yang mengaku Islam..


iEn said...

AUD$4 <--- 4 ringgit ka?? hehehe

Zetty said...

kalau kat negara omputih tuh mmg kompem senang sgt nak check mana halal mana tak .. kat negara arab nieh mmg laa kebanyakannya insyaallah halal .. tapinya kekadang ada gak kedai2 makan yg tak halal .. tgk2 ramai gak org arab islam dlm tuh .. dorang bukannya nak tanya pun halal ke tak .. main redah aje .. huhuhu ...

Noushy Syah said...

I think countries with 4 seasons are pretty the same when comes to the shopping's depends on the weather, especially on winter when by 5pm most activity-highstreets' shops/malls are closed, unlike those in the central metropolitan city and aside from pub and bar...there's always pro n cons...

Imagine about that halal pork? Was that from Msia or Singapore?

Being born and bred in a non-muslim country,I don't find it's difficult to find halal foods just have to be extra careful & vigilant !!

Anonymous said... tempat tu untuk tenang-tenang,tak busy cam KL and one more thing org Ausie ni particular ngan kebersihan....

posmen said...

cayalah bro.. ape la sgt AUD$4 dibanding dgn hukum halal haram.. kan?

saya ada kenal 1 org tua di kl ni yg ketagih makan bab*. masalahnya, dia melayu!!

ape nk jadi??

KAMATO said...

Memang cubaan menjaga makanan di negeri orang, teruskan

zino said...

kat KL pun patut buat macam tu.. kol 6 je kedai semua dah tutup.. semua org balik duduk kat rumah.. kan aman sikit.. hehe

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

AUS$4 is nothing compared dengan non-halal ingredient yang akan manjadi darah daging kita

keputusan yang baik arsaili..


itulah cabaran duduk di rantau orang. kalau di malaysia, buruk camna pun kurang-kurangnya makan tido kita terjaga.

saya hargai sangat sanggaaaattt cerita ini, bro.

DeeN said...

Owh! Kopi diletak eskrim? Oh! SUngguh kelepet.

Halal haram nih memang suka diambil mudah. Kena lebih berhati2 dan berwaspada!

TokMoh said...

Baguih gak mcm tu,tak la remaja dok lepak2 kat shoping complexs.Tak mcm kat M'sia...TokMoh suka lepak kat pondok depan rumah bawah pokok manggis.

arsaili said...

re: maksu - dok eh..memang tutup lewat, kasi org shoppng kot...dh ari lain tutup awai

re: pb - aaa..tapi dia org lepak kat pub kot...

re: umi ameer - ada kot yg biasala..

arsaili said...

re; ayu - ehehe...aa kan awal juga ..tapi shopping tup kol 9 ..kedai kt waterfront tu je tutup awal

re; jowopinter - isk3...awat la lagu tu...tapi macam kat US, ramai student dia mkn ayam katok...according to my sis la..tapi ada la yg perihatin..tapi bahaya nya nanti jadi darah daging menda tak halal nih..

re; Hafiz238 - aaa..sama je kot kat OZ ni...mmg ada simpan list yg benda E tu semua...klu nak beli check la E apa...

arsaili said...

re: puterisatu - tak la kak, dia org malas kot, nak keje sampai mlm..tu yg tutup awal tuh...

re: wan - ehehe..suka gak kopi taditional ..sedap..bukan kopi cap kapal api..ekekeke

re: jun - itu la aunty..susah gak kan, isu halal haram ni...selagi supplier or producer nya bukan org kita...

arsaili said...

re; Cik Ati - itu la kena strict lai pemantuannya

re: ien - AUD$4 = RM12 aaa

re: yatie - tu la...susah gak nak tau mana arab islam mana arab bukan islam ek

arsaili said...

re;noushy - yea u r right..kat UK pretty d same... miss uk.

re;kumbang - yea...u r right..not as busy as KL...

re;posmen - tu la ne leh ketagih benda tu..iskkk bahayanya

arsaili said...

re: kamato - yea..thanks...kena la jaga

re: zino - ehehe...yea shld be that way, tapi tak bes utk pelancong la..tgk bandar mati

re: myfisol - betul tu...cuma rasa syg jer air tu..tapi tatau nak kasi kat sapa yg non muslim buang je la

arsaili said...

re; jeffrocker- yea..betul tu sdr..hujan emas di negeri org kan..

re: nur@ddeen- aha...tu la pasal..kelepet tu apa ek...ehehehe..kena jaga halal haram nih

re:TokMoh- wahh besnya ada pokok manggis...lama tak mkn manggis

Sastri said...

masa sas ke sana pun, macam pelik plak tengok kedai tutup awal... tanya gak pada colleague, dorang kata sana punya labour law strict, masa bekerja dorang ditetapkan berapa jam, lebih dari tu, tak kerja dah laa... cuma di cairns, masih ada lagi kedai2 yg buka after 5... kat sydney, kat darling harbour pun bukak lagi after 5... :D

arsaili said...

re; sastri- yea rasanya memang betul..ada regulation dia..kat sini klu perth city centre friday dia tutup kalau nak happpening skit gi la city on friday petang

Orked said...

arsaili > salam

jom mengopi kat Ali Corner's...mlm minggu ni, pekena roti nan dgn ayam tandori ..perhhhh..sedap tu!

huhuhuhu...seksa jiwa raga je ni:D

arsaili said...

re: jie - wei kak jie..sapa yg terseksa jiwa cam nak terbang je balik gi kedai mamak..uwaaa

Wira Nordin said...

salam saudara
nanti aidil adha ada buat kurban
kompem halal

kamu balik malaysia?

arsaili said...

re: wira nordin - aaa..ekekek InsyaAllah balik KL kot....

AbGJaS said...

Hi Arsaili,
Tahniah kerana masih menjaga amanah Allah walau di mana pun anda berada..

arsaili said...

hi..dh jadi tanggungjwb have too

zura lias said...

iskk..payahnye idup di rantau..hati-hati ek...makanan ni jd darah daging..:D...

Jamal Abd Rahman said...

actually we get really particular abt halal haram in fooods when we are abroad...kat sini main belasah jer, kalau nak ikutkan kat mesia ni pun byk yg tak halal but we just take it for granted semua makanan halal...hmmm

coklat esp mmg byk yg tak halal..kat obersi semua baca dulu ingredients mknan tu..kat sini beli terus mkn jer...pelik jugak kan? tak kisah pun ada ingredients yg tak halal dlm tu...

Anonymous said...

ok what kalau kedai tutup awal semua. At least takder orang melepak sampai pagi. Lagi satu, ada banyak masa untuk family bagi orang yang kerja kat kedai kedai tu.

err..7E pun tutup awal jugak ker? haha.

Unknown said...

Salam Arsaili...
True. Even the coffee tu pun OD waswas. Anyway, I live in Noranda, near Morley Galleria. Kalau gi ke sana on Thursday night, you might bump into me.

Kalau tak biasa gi Galleria, ambik Orrong Road, masuk Freeway, pastu pass the second bridge (yang ada signboard sebelum tunnel), exit kat East Parade, stay on the right lane (not far right, yang tengah), bagi signal, stay on the left, pass 1st, 2nd traffic light (sorry tak ingat nama jalan), still on the left lane, until sampai bridge nak cross railway track tu, masuk lane paling kiri, cross the bridge, stay on the left, go on sampai jumpa Grand Prom, turn left, keep going until sampai Walter Road (tengok fruit and vegie market on your left), turn right, keep going... ngeh, keep going, bila sampai Coode St, change to right lane, stay there until sampai Russell Street, turn right into Russell Street, then, first traffic light, turn left, walla... dah sampai galleria. Gi sana calling calling ler OD. Nombor ada, kan?

arsaili said...

re: zura - itu la bahayanya..selalu waspada

re: Uncle J - tu la uncle kekadang kita take for granted kan

re: mazudi - tu la ad apro n cons dia..kedai makan n kebab byk tutup lewat

re: nanti la Opah..saya cari opah kat sana ye..