Tuesday, September 18, 2007

There is no excuse!
Frementle, Western Australia

I met my colleague this morning. She told me that her supervisor allowed her to pray during her shift and she even suggested a few places that she can perform her prayer. When she got the job offer earlier, she did ask me about this matter. As for man, it’s much easier for me to pray and it wouldn’t take long and in fact my shift this time allowed me to pray at home or mussola. There is no clashed since I’m not on duty before Zuhur till after Asar or before Asar till after Margrib. Even on Friday I told my supervisor that I couldn’t work between 12 till 3 because I need to go for Friday prayer. So I asked her to explain to her supervisor about the matter. She did and the response was very positive. What I’m trying to highlight here, I’m very glad that non-Muslim aware of our duty to Allah. They are very positive and open about it. Thats why I’m very proud to share with my supervisor about Islam. He’s very curious about it and asked a few question regarding it. For me it’s a form of dakwah, to introduce Islam to non-Muslim. At least now he knows that Muslim people need to pray 5 times and they also need to fast during the Ramadhan. I told my friend, at least she set the precedent, so in the future it will much easier for other Muslim to work in this organization At least the employer are well aware about our duty and with the hope that they will make it easy for us. On the other side, I heard my friend told me there is a few cases in Malaysia where the Muslim people are in difficulties to pray during their working hours. This is ridiculous, Malaysia as a Muslim country (even many people argue about it) still facing this kind of issues. I believed we must fight for our right wherever we are. For example before in Malaysia, TV presenter was not allowed to wear headscarf but at least now they are open about it. This regulation is all set by human so we can change it whenever we want….right! My experienced living in western countries so far alhamdulilah..Allah makes it easy for me. I used to pray on the parking lot, on the park, on the bus station and everywhere…. I bet most of us who used to live in Western Countries did experience the same thing. And of course it easy for man like me, but for women they really need to find a place which is a bit isolated. Lin told me as for women, they are very shy if people see their movement during the prayer. That’s why women are encouraged to wear suitable dress (loose and long dress) so it will be easier for them to perform their prayer everywhere. Ahakss...try not to talk about food...uhuhu but I can foresee food is always an interesting topic to discuss..ehehe


Inah said...

Itule..islam itu mudah sebenarnya..besenya org Malaysia ni menjadikan ajaran Islam tu susah..kebanyakan depa meMelayukan Islam..tu senario skrg..

Anonymous said...

i personally feel that i represent my race and religion. whatever i do, good or evil will reflect on my race and religion to the non-believers. so the choice is ours, to do good and bring glory to islam or do bad and tarnish our religion.

living in a multi-racial country, its not easy for me to perform my prayer during office hours when majority of the staff are non-believers.

but i must say that i am very lucky to have a little 'secret hideout' and sneak away during prayer call unnotice...

hhmmm, so shift malam, jadi burung hantu lar you ek~?? teeheehee....

Anonymous said...

ya.. actually the best way to tell about Islam is by being a good muslim.

When we ask their permission to do our solat, they we'll strat relizing how the relation between human and Allah.. then they we will judge us.. They will see how our obidience towards our god. After that they will have the right idea of Islam..

Soo sad when muslim in malaysia, having the sikap 'tak kesah'.. dont care about themself, dont mention about others..

Muslim nowdays, them theirself ask for not wearing hijab.. do bad things..

lets all of us try our best to enrich our iman n taqwa and then become a good muslim so that we can be the cause for others to embrass Islam...

I am soo sorry.. my english is very bad.. i hope u all can understand what i am triying to say here..

Thanks, wassalam...

Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

Salam Arsaili,

1stly, yes.. yes.. no food for today :) 2ndly, yup. i experienced the same situation here. even, i once prayed under the staircase. even in the metro. even at a corner in the hospital. everywhere. as long as solat can be perform. its a good experience anyway. not all could hv the chnace to face such situation, isnt it. about ur suggestion to wear long n loose dress for girls, it is so true n undeniable. im on ur side, always.

arsaili said...

re: Inah - betul tu..we are bounded ngan culture not Islam itself

arsaili said...

re: Kuncup - u r right...sama2 kita jaga our duty to Allah. Tak pernah shift malam lagi wei..uhuhu..

arsaili said...

re: taqeyyabella - u got the points there. I can understand wht r u trying to say... My english also terrible but blogging in english what i call as learning process..lets we learn together..

arsaili said...

re:Sarah Mohd Shukor - yea...in Malaysia we won't do such thing. There is a lot of praying room, masjid n surau available...only here we can experience it..ehehe...nak upload entry pasal food entry la lepas ni...ekekeke

13may said...

hehhe...antara soalan wajib tanya masa aku pegi job interview mana2 tempat...pasal sembahyang termasuk sembahyang jummat :)

Anonymous said...

nak tulis pasal makan eh lepas ni~??
mentang2 lar tak bangun sahur, asyik teringat makanan jer....
ermm.. bayangkan lar peha ayam goreng, sayur kangkung belacan.. sambal udang.. soup, yumm.. yummm..
muahahaaaaaaa, saja nak buat you tempted~!!! sabar ya... :P

Anonymous said...


Itulah masalahnya, orang bukan Islam faham kehendak kita. Orang Islam sendiri bagaimana, adakah mereka menunaikan hak dalam agama?

kuIna said...

salam arsaili, u'a rite... sometimes non-muslim lebih memahami.

ayong afzan said...

What an interesting topic. Agree with you. kalo nak dibincangkan mengenai isu ni memang panjang tak habis punya. Sebab tu, most of the private company prefer menggaji orang bukan islam atas alasan mengurangkan produktiviti kalo kita ambil masa keje untuk bersolat. Ada lagi orang yang berfikiran macam ni sekarang. Konon hidup zaman millenium.

arsaili said...

re: 13 may - uikss dia tanya bermaksud apa? tak suruh solat ker? isk2

arsaili said...

re: kuncup - uhuhu..i'm still intact..tak tergugat iman..ekeke

arsaili said...

re: abg putra - itu la kekadang org kita ni take for granted kata org putih

arsaili said...

re; ku ina - itu la ..

re; ayong afzan - padahal bersolat ni bole meningkatkan productivity..bukan lama pun ..and bole la rehat otak kan

Anonymous said...


Kita punya hak kinna jaga ho?

Noushy Syah said...

Arsaili..true indeed!!"jika mau seribu daya"...born, bred and living all my life in western country prayer while working not a problem at all..lately even some Govt offices provided praying area for Muslims!!

Sometimes my boss will ask me if I already gone for my prayer break or not...especially those days he doesn't know about when women in "rainy" day...hehhehehe...

Strange but true...those in Muslim countries find difficulties in worship at certain places!!?

byl said...

da merdeka tp cani.
hormat agama
xde gado2
x de benci2

kakLuna said...

bila sesuatu tu susah nak dpt, (duduk di persekitaran bukan Islam, susah nak solat)mmg manusia akan lebih menghargai bila dpt peluang dan melaksanakan dengan sungguh2...tp bila dh ada kemudahan (duduk di persekitaran Islam, masjid di sana sini), manusia pula semakin leka. sikap sesetengah masyarakat Islam yang memandang ringan aspek ibadat membuatkan orang bukan Islam merasakan tak penting untuk mereka menyediakan keperluan2 tersebut di tempat kerja.apatah lagi syarikat itu, bangunan itu mereka yang punya.

keadaan ini juga disebabkan perasaan prejudis yang menebal terhadap agama masing2.

HazuraHamzah said...

kena la den learn baso ingeris ni...
tak lamo laie terer la den

arsaili said...

re: noushy - aa..my friend told me..teruk betulkan, maybe kes terpencil

re; byl - ehehe..bagusla..kena hidup harmoni

arsaili said...

re:kakluna- memang bersetuju sekali, tu la kita ni suka "take for granted"

re: hazurahamzah - meh sama kita belaja bhs inggeris..ehhehe

JualannyaSaya said...

Ups, pada pake bahasa inggris comentnya, My speaking english not well !

Success for Arsaili in Ausie

arsaili said...

ngak apa2..sama2 kita belajar yok..thanks for d'ua..amin moga sucess di sini

Kasawari said...

suka saya baca entri ni.. Japanese pun orait gak. dah berkali-kali saya ke tempat dia org, dia org akan sediakan tempat untuk solat, dan yang penting jugak.. dia org bagi kompas..

Acaii Jawe said...

alhamdulillah, kekadang bila islam susah dilaksanakan time tulah kit atambah berkobar untuk tunaikan kewajipan kepadaNya..tapi manusia ni sering lupe bila diberi nikmat kesenangan dan kesihatan berbanding diuji dengan nikmat kesusahan..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum to all,

I rasa kita perlu rasa bersyukur kerana Allah bukakan hati non-believer employers untuk benarkan the believers utk mengerjakan kewajiban. Tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, kita di malaysia ni walaupun ada non-believer employers yang memberi kelonggaran tetapi pekerja Muslim tak nak mengerjakan solat wajib. Ada juga masih lelaki Muslims yang buat window shopping padahal pada waktu tersebut mereka sepatutnya berada di masjid mengerjakan solat Jumaat. Renung-renungkanlah! Matahari sudah terbit dari sebelah barat di planet Marikh! Bila lagi nak bertaubat? Sorry to say, I notice Malaysia punya trend sekarang ni berbelanja lebih untuk hiburan...uhukksss..